We wanted to share with you all about this wonderful opportunity with AU Votes!
To support AU students in exercising their right to vote, American University has launched this initiative in order to assist students in requesting absentee or mail-in ballots and connecting local students to in-person voting information.
Since many of you are registered voters in your home state and state rules governing out-of-state voting can vary and be confusing, AU Votes is providing tools and practical support to take the guesswork out and streamline the process, including:
– State-by-state ballot request instructions;
– Sept 19, 20 & 21st Absentee Ballot Days
-In-person assistance with requesting absentee or mail-in ballots @ AU in front of the Library.
Receive help navigating the steps in YOUR state, AU Votes is providing supplies, postage, and notarization (if your state requires it).
-Active Duty Military Members and Overseas Citizens can apply for their ballots via www.fvap.gov.
You must submit your request for an absentee or mail-in ballot SOON to have enough time to receive the ballot, vote, and submit by your state-authorized deadline.
Ensure your vote counts! Stop by the library Sept 19-21 for support requesting your absentee ballot. Additionally, please visit AU Votes for more information, including a sign-up sheet to receive voting reminders and/or get involved.
AU Votes Link: https://www.american.edu/ocl/au-votes.cfm